Can you give us some geometry 📐 for the Drones? Seriously.

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Sep 8Liked by Valentinus

Great article.

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Holy Trinity, Batman! What a great trip this read is.

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Mesh outside to Inside armor

Hear me out. We have to get radical at least in thought and perhaps prototype about the drones and mobility being restored, throughout the depth of the theater. So Radically approaching that problem;

Protect the crew from outside going in rather than inside out but with layers of nets and mesh cages.

The armored vehicle protects crew and vital systems from small arms and shrapnel…but outside that bubble - it’s a series of layered meshes and nets and cages with EW, Trophy type active defense, reactive armor pods suspended in the mesh, anything is going to get exploded or deflected or jammed before it gets to the core with the people and propulsion. Even 3-4 layers of cope cage and nets with little reactive pods , and some Trophy type active defense would work to stop or defect all but sabot penetrating warheads, which might well be deflected by reactive pods. These pods are the size of soap pods hanging in the mesh. This mesh or mesh with reactive pods isn’t that different in concept of how Kevlar works.

This goes to the far pole of current trends of cope cages and nets, but starts with a smaller “core.”

As opposed to building the Lipizzaner Stallions with nets and cages we’ve been doing. Yes we are and we can’t afford it. Again this is a radical concept to change thinking. Protect the crew from outside going in rather than inside out.

It probably wouldn’t and shouldn’t be built this radically.

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